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Nosferatu - He does not cast shadows, his mirrors do not reflect

Vampires Secret Mysterious Alluring How much we know about them 
Vampire - This is one of the most mysterious characters and the most Romantic of all Monsters. About them, hundreds of films have been shot and over a thousand written works written.
 The fantasy of man has no boundaries. No monster has written so many artworks, no mythical creature has received as many reincarnations as the Vampire 
Love and Interest in the secret and unknown always attracted and will entice us.
With a huge abundance of information about Vampires Who ever thought about how they appeared?
 Why do they talk so much about them? Who invented them? There are lots of Versions About the first vampire Cain, Judas, Handsome Vlad Dracula. Who was the first Vampire? 
Ghoul That´s who became the Ancestor of the modern vampire, Ghouls had a lot of varieties from different peoples.
A ghoul or, in Russian tradition, the " dead " corpse rises from the grave to eat meat or drink the blood of living people.
 Ghoul was neither handsome nor seductive, and was a corpse of a peasant, absolutely devoid of courtesy and the gloss with which a modern vampire

Many believe that the primary author of the Vampire Such as we used to see him was the Count of Dracula which was created by Bram Stockerv in 1897 
But all the same The first stories and poems with the participation of ghouls are written in Germany.
 The earliest poem, where the vampire creature appears, is the " Bride of Corinth " (IV Goethe, 1797). 
It is a remake of the ancient Greek story of a young bride who returns from the kingdom of Hades to her husband as a ghoul and lives with him until her dead nature is revealed.
In 1813 in the poem of Lord Byron " Gyaur" appears the first description of vampirism as a curse.
 However, it is still referring to the vampire as a raised dead person, taken directly from folklore. 
And the first serious attempt to modernize the image was made not by Lord Byron, but by his doctor John Polidori.
 After the death of the lord, he processed his drafts, and in 1819 published the story " The History of the Vampire ."

But already in 1897 and was created That Vampire from which his long life story begins And gave life to many of his followers The Vampire´s story begins with Roman Bram Stoker about the Famous Earl whose cruelty had no boundaries Vlad Tepes Dracula The real historical character Who left behind him A great story enveloped in secrets, mysticism, cruelty About Vlad you can say a lot But he just did not become a Vampire He was a fighter for his country and died for her. He was betrayed and accepted death by the hands of his subjects 
But back to the Vampires And so a novel About the Transylvanian prince Vlad Dracula
The novel´s action, according to the author´s first intention, was to develop not in Transylvania, but in Styria.
 But the story of the Prince of Romania so impressed the Irish writer. As a result, the image of the deceased seducer joined with such a colorful personality as Vlad Tepes. 
True, changing the legend, Stocker stuffed into one heap of different details.
- A black-and-red cloak was stolen from Mephistopheles,
- A corps de ballet from the three assistants of the count. They are his converted beloved women, reminiscent of three witches from "Macbeth".
Stocker canonized the image of a vampire.
 He gave him a collection of super abilities (controlling the dead, causing fog and thunderstorms, turning into animals, seeping and turning into fog) But he also added many weaknesses to Vampires, including a ban on entering without permission, fear of running water and holy water, fear Garlic, non-reflection in the mirror and rejection of the crucifixion or communion. However, in Stoker´s novel, Dracula is not yet burnt-under the sun he just does not differ from the ordinary person, and therefore can be killed. 
Some of the vampire stereotypes Stoker invented himself.
 A ghoul from novels to Stoker is always a living or reviving dead person. And Stoker´s Dracula, unlike his concubines, did not die and rose from the coffin. 
There is one more important point, for the history of the vampire image.
 Stocker turned the vampire from folklore monsters into a monster of modern mythology. Since then, Vlad Prince of Wallachia has become a Vampire And now millions earn on it. He would have known Vlad as his name would be used after death ...... But probably if Stoker could not be whoever knew about Vlad And he would become The same historical figure as all the rulers in world history. Cruel rulers were many But the main thing in the history There was only one Lord and ruler of Walachia Graf Vlad Tepes Dracula. 
Roman Stoker was screened and had a great success

Since the fantasy of a person has no boundaries And the viewer wants more and more shows. Over time, the Vampire began to acquire new and new opportunities and strengths. Vampires were no longer loners, but began to live in flocks and Vampire clans. They started flashing from the sun´s rays as matches, and they can be killed by Aspen´s stake. There were hunters of vampires Since there is a villain, then there must be one who will save the world. 
Vampire - became a creature that drinks the blood of its victims, can be attractive to them in a sexual way and can live forever Alive, But no longer alive
Vampire The only Monster of whom humanized and perfected over the years " Dead man who at night leaves the grave and sucks the blood of living people" "bloodsucker, night ghost" "He does not cast shadows, his mirrors do not reflect"
   So it was created - The vampire is fiction, This creature created by man Beginning with folk tales and with great evolution has come in our time.We believe in Vampires, we watch all the films about Vampires.

There are mental illnesses When a person considers himself a vampire (such people are dangerous to society). 
There are also diseases Porphyria rare in the form of gene pathology, which affects 1 person from 200 thousand.
Some modern scientists believe that stories about vampires could appear under the influence of this rare disease, called "porphyria."
 This disease spoils the blood, disrupting the reproduction of heme. It was believed that porphyria was most common in the small villages of Transylvania (about 1000 years ago), where there could have been closely related reproduction. It was also found in Europe where related marriages were taken 
Porphyria or "vampire disease" In porphyria, the non-protein part of hemoglobin - heme - turns into a toxic substance that corrodes subcutaneous tissues.
 The skin begins to acquire a brown shade, it becomes thinner and from the exposure to sunlight bursts, so the skin becomes scarred and ulcerated with time. 
- Ulcers and inflammations in turn damage cartilage - the nose and ears, deforming them.Coupled with eyelids covered with sores and twisted fingers, this incredibly disfigures a person.
- The skin around the lips and gums dries up and becomes stiffer, which results in the incisors being exposed to the gums, creating a grin effect.
- In addition, patients pale skin very much, during the day they feel a breakdown and lethargy, which is replaced by a more mobile way of life at night
-Some forms of porphyria are associated with neurologic symptoms that can cause mental disorders.
 However, the assumption that sufferers of porphyria passionately desire heme from human blood or that blood consumption can reduce the symptoms of porphyria are based on a serious misunderstanding of the disease. 
Now this disease is being treated.
There is a version that if it were not for this "vampire disease", there would be no myths about Dracula, or about other blood-sucking light-fading and fanged characters.
Practically for all the symptoms, the patient suffering from the neglected form of porphyria is a typical vampire, and it was only in the second half of the 20th century that she could find its cause and describe the course of the disease, which was preceded by a ruthless centuries-old struggle with ghouls: from 1520 to 1630 (110 years) Only France was executed by more than 30 thousand people recognized as Werewolves .
 It turns out that the wider and deeper the spread of Christianity, the more mercilessly treated the sick. 
And summing up the Fantastic heroes of numerous Romanov, I want to add And what would happen If every vampire victim became a vampire, then the hurricane growth of their livestock would occur, as well as the hunger death of the whole blood-sucking tribe that devoured humanity to the last individual.
 Therefore, the process is complicated so that not any bitten becomes a vampire. 

But What is the reason for such popularity of the vampire image? Probably not who can not answer this question. And, therefore, the evolution of vampires has not yet ended.